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Development opportunities and service innovation of China’s plastics industry in the Vietnamese market ——The general manager of PLAS shared his views at the 2024 Plastics Industry Overseas International Summit Forum

Development opportunities and service innovation of China’s plastics industry in the Vietnamese market ——The general manager of PLAS shared his views at the 2024 Plastics Industry Overseas International Summit Forum


Apr 01, 2024



On March 29, the "2024 Plastics Industry Overseas International Summit Forum and Shenzhen Plastics Association Annual Meeting" hosted by the Shenzhen Plastics Association was held in Shenzhen. More than 300 people including government leaders, experts and scholars, nearly 40 friendly business associations, business representatives and service agencies on the frontline of plastics industry production and trade gathered together to discuss the current opportunities and challenges of the plastics industry going overseas, the policies and layout of key overseas areas, the integration of upstream and downstream industrial chains, etc.

Bo Liu, President of Shenzhen Plastics Association, delivered a speech to welcome everyone. According to his analysis, overseas markets are an important direction for the development of the industry. Through the Going Global strategy, we can further expand development space, increase brand awareness, and enhance international competitiveness. It is necessary to continue to strengthen international cooperation and jointly promote the prosperity and development of China's plastics industry.

Yong Dang, general manager of PLAS, analyzed the development opportunities in the Vietnamese market. He emphasized that nowadays, faced with changes in the global industrial chain situation such as "order transfer" and "industrial relocation", if Chinese plastics companies want to develop, Going Global is a realistic way to break the situation. The reason is that China's production capacity in many fields is prepared for global market demand and is of high quality and low price.

To this end, PLAS built an innovative service model in a timely manner and established a localized sales and service team in Vietnam. Through online marketing, offline material sample display, local team offline customer discovery, sample sending, matchmaking, agency import services and payment guarantee, PLAS provides Chinese plastics manufacturers with a complete Vietnamese market sales service plan. At the same time, PLAS' warehouse logistics service center in southern Vietnam is established to coordinate with the service center to help Chinese plastics companies solve the problem of "difficulty exporting and getting customers".

PLAS also launched a week-long study tour of the Chinese plastics industry for Vietnamese college students on March 24. They visited China's high-quality modified manufacturers and internationally renowned petrochemical plants, such as Renxin New Material and LG (Huizhou) Chemical. It not only helps China and Vietnam strengthen exchanges and learning about the plastics industry, but also introduces talents and injects fresh blood into the Chinese plastics industry's market expansion in Vietnam, and is committed to jointly building a supply chain for the China-Vietnam plastics industry and promoting the prosperity and development of plastics trade.

PLAS is committed to sending high-quality Chinese plastic materials and innovative service models to the world, paving the way for Chinese plastic companies to go overseas, and promoting the prosperity of plastic trade.


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